Asian casino operator, NagaCorp Limited, has allegedly introduced its financial results for the first half 2018 demonstrating that its net profit rose by 19.6% increase year-on-year to $180.1 million owing to an associated 84.6% increase in [...]
The first six months of 2018 allegedly saw Macau record a 8 percent growth year-on-year in the number of tourists visiting its beaches to just over 16.8 million whereas the tally for June alone rose by 9.4% to about 2.6 million. According to a Monday [...]
Macau International Airport Co Ltd, operator of the airport in the special administrative region of Macau, reportedly estimates that for all of 2018 the facility will handle upwards of 8 million passengers. GGRAsia reports that the estimate by the [...]
In Macau, the Court of First Instance has reportedly dismissed the damages claim tied to a lawsuit brought by a former employee of the Philippines Amusement and Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR) against local casino operator, Wynn Macau Limited. According to a [...]
Macau casino operator, Wynn Macau Ltd (1128:Hong Kong), announced recently that the lions share of its staff will be receiving a special bonus commensurate with one month’s gross salary. According to the official press release (pdf) from the [...]
According to a report by GGRAsia mentioning official statistics in the enclave’s Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau, the latest figures imply the over 30 casinos in Macau chalked up six-month aggregated gross gambling revenues of $18.58 [...]
In Macau, meanwhile reportedly saw legislators unanimously pass a suggested government-backed step that would prohibit the city’s 24,453 used table games traders from entering the gambling floor of all local casinos for any function other than to [...]
A request by the Macau (Yat Yuen) Canidrome Club to expand the July 20, 2018 deadline to either relocate or shut completely has reportedly been rejected by Macau’s Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau (DICJ). Asia Gaming Brief reports that [...]