Asian casino operator, Melco International Development Limited, has announced the impending launch of an initial public offering (IPO) on the New York Stock Exchange because of its Studio City International Holdings Limited subsidiary. Paying down debts: [...]
In Macau, this year’s edition of the ‘Golden Week’ public holiday could reportedly turn out to be disappointing for the city’s many casino operators due to total visitor numbers coming in below earlier market expectations. [...]
Despite being shut for two days due to Typhoon Mangkhut, the over 30 casinos in Macau still reportedly managed to post a 2.8% increase year-on-year in aggregated gross gaming revenues for September to $2.72 billion. Nine-month figure improves: According [...]
In Cyprus, casino operator, Melco International Development Limited, has reportedly welcomed some 175,000 people to its Cyprus Casinos (C2) venue since opening the temporary facility a little over three months ago. Limassol venue: According to a Friday [...]
In Nevada, statewide aggregated gross gaming revenues reportedly dropped by 7.7% year-on-year last month to around $912.9 million as combined August visitor numbers for Las Vegas posted a 0.2% decrease to approximately 3.56 million. Decline follows July [...]
Australian casino operator, Crown Resorts Limited, has reportedly revealed that gross gaming revenues at its Crown Perth property for the twelve months to the end of June fell by almost 10% year-on-year to stand at approximately $409.51 million. [...]
Macau reportedly chalked up an 18.7% growth year-on-year in customer numbers a month as some 3.4 million people travelled to take pleasure in the former Portuguese enclave’s broad selection of stores, hotels and casinos. Year’s biggest [...]
The regulations having taken effect on July 22, Mississippi’s launching of sports gambling is currently proving to profit brick and mortar casinos in the country where total casino revenue increased significantly in August. PASPA unconstitutional: [...]