Asian casino giant Wynn Macau Limited has allegedly declared it will be rewarding eligible employees at its Wynn Palace Cotai and Wynn Macau incorporated casino resorts with a ‘winter bonus’ place to be equivalent to a complete month’s [...]
In Macau, a slowing economy together with the prospects of a heightened trade war involving the United States and China could reportedly lead to significant challenges for the 3 foreign gambling firms that operate casinos in the former Portuguese enclave. [...]
In Massachusetts, gaming officials have reportedly completed their almost year-long investigation into the former Chief Executive Officer for Wynn Resorts Limited, Steve Wynn (pictured), and are now awaiting the decision of a Nevada judge before releasing [...]
Lower than expected takings from the over 30 casinos at Macau through the initial week of 2019 has reportedly prompted brokerage company, Sanford C Bernstein and Company, to forecast January’s upcoming aggregated gross gaming revenues tally may [...]
Asian casino operator, Galaxy Entertainment Group Limited, has reportedly announced that it is investigating a claim that its name is being illegally used to promote a gambling facility located along the shores of Cam Ranh Bay in southern Vietnam. No [...]
After recently seeing the value of its shares hit a two-year low, international casino operator MGM Resorts International has announced the launching of a new strategy that it hopes will decrease costs and improve efficiencies in order to help drive [...]
Asian casino operator, Melco Resorts and Entertainment Limited, has announced the signing of a deal that will see it associate with a local sustainable energy generation firm so as to launch Macau’s biggest solar energy array. Two properties to [...]
Asian casino operator, Macau Legend Development Limited, has reportedly announced the signing of a deal which has witnessed it spend slightly over $90 million in order to buy a large plot of land in fundamental Cambodia. Casino hotel possibility: [...]