Asian casino operator, Melco International Development Limited, has announced the impending launch of an initial public offering (IPO) on the New York Stock Exchange because of its Studio City International Holdings Limited subsidiary. Paying down debts: [...]
Data issued by the Macao Government Tourism Office on Sunday shows that nearly 812,500 tourists visited the former Portuguese enclave during the first six days of the ‘Golden Week’ public holiday. The figure indicating an increase in [...]
American casino operator, Mohegan Gaming and Entertainment, has announced the appointment of two new senior directors since it works to achieve its stated long-term aim of becoming an industry leader across the world. Pair of Senior Vice-Presidents: [...]
Asian junket operator, Suncity Group Holdings Limited,has released more information regarding the deals it signed last month to provide management and consultancy services to an integrated casino resort being built in southern Cambodia. [...]
In Macau, this year’s edition of the ‘Golden Week’ public holiday could reportedly turn out to be disappointing for the city’s many casino operators due to total visitor numbers coming in below earlier market expectations. [...]
Despite being shut for two days due to Typhoon Mangkhut, the over 30 casinos in Macau still reportedly managed to post a 2.8% increase year-on-year in aggregated gross gaming revenues for September to $2.72 billion. Nine-month figure improves: According [...]
(MLCO:NASDAQ GS), on Wednesday celebrated the official launch of 20 zero-emission electric busses. Based on Asia Gaming Brief… The service for what the developer, operator and owner of casino gaming [...]
In Macau, Asian casino giant, Galaxy Entertainment Group Limited, has reportedly announced that it has spent approximately $37.3 million in order to bring the new JinMen8 in-house VIP gaming lounge to the 50th floor of its Galaxy Macau property. [...]